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KMS Music Community Bulletin Board


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To serve as a Kauai Music Community Bulletin Board having to do with all topics music related. Only registered members of KauaiMusicScene.com can post on these boards. Membership is free and can be accessed on our Membership page. Any reader can respond to these posts. Please be respectful of others and KauaiMusicScene.com while using this service.


KauaiMusicScene.com is not responsible for any pictures, postings, goods or services seen, bought or sold on this Bulletin Board. All responsibility lies solely on the poster and or responder.

No nude photos are to be posted on this site. Posting will result in an immediate revoking of Membership.

KauaiMusicScene.com is not responsible for monitoring these posts. However, it reserves the right to delete or edit any post deemed inappropriate by KauaiMusicScene.com. Any post edited or deleted will be notified via email of actions taken and why.

Any use of contact information taken from a post other than to respond to that post is strictly prohibited.

By using this service you agree to indemnify and hold KauaiMusicScene.com and KauaiMusicScene.com Representatives harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of your own conduct or activities on, through or related to KauaiMusicScene.com. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred KauaiMusicScene.com or KauaiMusicScene.com Representatives.

Any illegal or unlawful activity conducted through this bulletin board will result in immediate legal action and termination of membership.

Basically, respect yourself and others. This Site was built to bring us closer together to create a stronger music community on Kauai. Enjoy its services and support Live Local Music.