Becky Reardon is a beloved composer, singer and choral director. Her songs and rounds have become precious jewels in singing circles and choirs all across the US, and British Isles. Her songs are treasured for their ability to move singers and listeners to deep places of pleasure, laughter, awe, and healing. They are sung in community gatherings celebrating the solstices and other ancient holy days,...
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... and for creating ceremonies of passage.
Becky leads the Shepherd Moon Quartet, and has produced 4 albums of her songs:
Follow theMotion, Songs for A Walk, Inside the Outside, and Shift. She collaborated with Terry Garthwaite on their album: Natural Rhythms, and last year produced the Remember CD, recorded at the 10th annual Women’s Singing Retreat at the Lama Foundation. She has co-led this popular retreat for 11 years.
Based in Taos, New Mexico, she travels widely to lead singing workshops and perform with other songwriters and musicians across the US. She loves to meet the community of sisters and brothers who celebrate the sacredness of all life, and who love to sing in response to the infinite voices of the world.
We are so blessed to have Becky bring her music to Kauai! Come and bathe in the beauty of her healing songs. The first hour will be a concert, followed by a one hour choral workshop learning and singing together songs that will live in our hearts and bless our community for a long time to come.
Featuring: the Sacred Earth Choir, Isa Maria and Melody on drums, Renee Janton on flute, and Candace Freeland (in her last musical offering before going to the mainland),.